Blog of Oonah V Joslin -- please visit my Parallel Oonahverse at WordPress

where I post stories and poems that have not been seen elsewhere - also recipes and various other stuff.

and see me At the Cumberland Arms 2011

Monday, 3 November 2008

November Links

First of all, don't forget to visit which is now offering a poem a day. A great variety of poems to move and entertain you. Leave our authors a comment and vote for your favourite poems.

And here are some offerings from me.

Time Travelling is a fictional memoir - a kind of pastiche of jouneys undertaken throughout England and Wales over the past 30 years, the amusing, the frustrating, the disappointing. The passage of time and change in attitudes as seen through the lens of that interfcae with reality we euphemistically call leisure. The only true way to relax, I have always found, is to stay at home.
My great friend, Jennifer Whalmsley has her Flash Death by Numbers in the same issue - so check it out. And Pamela from Shine is in there too. Very good Pam.
Dance is based on the ballet Dracula as created by Denis Malenkine for The NBT. The poster is therefore real and resides in my bedroom. This ballet will never be forgotten by anyone who was lucky enough to see it.
Sleight of Hand at EDF htis month is a spooky tlae with Edwardian charm which I really enjoyed writing :)
My response to the economic MESS is Going with the Flow at The Pygmy Giant
People sometimes say they don't understand those poems that don't rhyme and have no rhythm and how can they be poems? Here is an ex-planation - of sorts. You Asked Me - right, Jennifer? :)
A final Creature Feature in Micro Horror
Two stories in Static Movement with similar theme.
A funny story with a serious point in BwS.
3 poems in Shine.
And I took the Halloween slot in Pygmy Giant! ;)