Blog of Oonah V Joslin -- please visit my Parallel Oonahverse at WordPress

where I post stories and poems that have not been seen elsewhere - also recipes and various other stuff.

and see me At the Cumberland Arms 2011

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Morpeth a year on

This time last year, torrential rain caused extensive flooding in the North East town of Morpeth. Cars floated down The Wansbeck, people were evacuated, homes were ruined and historic buildings damaged.

Since then the town has made a remarkable recovery and once more the river is a tame and pleasant companion to this ancient, pretty, market town.

Just this afternoon I met a total stranger in Morrisons and we had a most interesting conversation about literature, C.S.Lewis to Bill Bryson through Asimov - shocking the things that go in these supermarkets! :)

Anyway, this one is for

The Wansbeck

Water seeps through thirteenth century walls,
inundating present gift-shop stalls.
The Chantry sings the river’s song.

That sanguine stream that snaked its way through town
drowns years in minutes. Snake turned serpent-bound,
joins in singing the river’s song.

Untamable, it finds its torrents course
and hungry for possession, takes by force.
Still louder grows the river’s song.

Be gone, it sings, litter my banks no more.
I will flow freely where I’ve flowed before
and you will learn the river’s strong.

© Oonah V Joslin 2008