Links? Here's the first one:
I'll just say it's not a story. It's not a poem. And if you are in academic mood, go read it.
and again BwS
The Writing Room
EDF Broadens the Mind No, that's the name of the story :)
Whisper in the Dark is up at Micro Horror
Rainbow Pie and Star Chips anyone? At Short Fiction U.K.
Because sometimes you have to feed the imagination.
Explanation is up. I always liked this one.
3 poems in Shine
Catching the Wind is a favoutite of mine. Haiku Housewife is fun. Intelligence is surreal but funny.
Twisted Tongue 12 is out at last with my story On Top of the World
You’ll be pleased to know that Twisted Tongue Magazine issue 12 is now available, with another fabulous cover from the talented Steve Upham. Inside we have two interviews for you with Matt Browne and Dr Kim Paffenroth; an article by Alexander James, Nine Weeks to Write it, Nine Years to Right it; several extracts to entice you; thanks to all of our wonderful contributors: Karen Cole Peralta, Aliya Whiteley, Harry Hughes, Bill Schweizer, Jeff Gardiner, John Morgan,Gary Hewitt, Paul Johnson, Janey Brewer, Brian Wright, Jessica Lynne Gardner, Robert Knox, Aaron A Polson, Theodore Carter, S H Hughes, K S Nixon, Tina Koenig, Jade Eckert, Ginny Swart, C M Clifton, Oonah V Joslin,Pg 30 :) Jonathan Pinnock, David Towsey, Tonya L Lambert, John Morgan, Alexander Salas, Jim Steel,Glen Batchelor, Ben Eubanks, Mel Fawcett, Jeff Carter, Lynette Mejia, Rebecca, Colin Campbell, Brian Rosenberger, Dr Charles Frederickson, Greg Schwartz, Ramona Thompson, Jonathan Hayes, Peter Egypt, Sherie Davis, P S Gifford, Len Hecht, Luigi Monteferrante, R Jay Slais, Caroline Barnard-Smith and C J Carter Stephenson. You will also find details on how to win FREE books; this issue is over 95,000 words—larger than your standard novel.
You can download issue 12 as a PDF version for FREE or buy a printed edition from: