Blog of Oonah V Joslin -- please visit my Parallel Oonahverse at WordPress

where I post stories and poems that have not been seen elsewhere - also recipes and various other stuff.

and see me At the Cumberland Arms 2011

Thursday, 2 July 2009

July Links

First out of the box at the new 10Flash, is a story by me A Hell of a Holiday for a poor librarian.

Out of Time at Static Movement, might make you think that heaven is not all it's cracked up to be... We're all addicted to time.

Just Life is a nice little slice of domestic discord over at The Pygmy Giant,
who have also just accepted Baoding - and if you don't know what that is - it's balls. I'll put a link up when it's live.

Lonely Road is over at Micro Horror this n month.

Brand New at Clockwise Cat. This one is unusual but I hope you will enjoy it anyway.

Over at Bewildering Stories this month I take a sceptical look at education and funding in Pure Research

While you are there check out Jennifer Stakes' poem, Chess - excellent work Jennifer!