Blog of Oonah V Joslin -- please visit my Parallel Oonahverse at WordPress

where I post stories and poems that have not been seen elsewhere - also recipes and various other stuff.

and see me At the Cumberland Arms 2011

Friday, 29 March 2013

Food for Thought for Friday

Faery Gold has just gone live in the Spring 2013 Issue of The Linnet's Wings.

Now I am chuffed about this because it's a story I had written ages ago and forgotten about and then along comes Editor Bill West and asks if he can have it :) That is rare and satisfying.

Another rare and satisfying occurrence is that it is in the same issue with a story by John Ritchie -- A Virginia Ham. John is a friend of mine and I greatly admire his writing. Also I see Stan Long has a poem in there too. Stan is an EDP poet also. Iam in good company. So of you have a bit of time to spare go The Linnet's Wings. Have a read. Buy a copy.

And if you fancy 'hamming it up' HERE are some recipe ideas. Of course I can't get my hands on a Virginia Ham here in the UK but there are good hams to be had from local butchers all over Britain and in the meantime, I have some serious Easter Egg eating to do.

This Easter Egg is so serious it's almost grave :) but all that mintiness will undoubtedly enliven my tastebuds!