Blog of Oonah V Joslin -- please visit my Parallel Oonahverse at WordPress

where I post stories and poems that have not been seen elsewhere - also recipes and various other stuff.

and see me At the Cumberland Arms 2011

Friday, 20 March 2015

Oonahverse Eclipsed

Well, it was spectacular! The air went cold. A breeze blew up. The birdies stopped singing and the local mogg stopped mousing and left the garden. I didn't expect much and when I saw the cloud this morning I though that's that BUT it was the cloud that enabled me to see the eclipse -- glance at it -- take a few photos. I just snapped and snapped to see what I could get. And this is what I got.


A few years back I wrote an eclipse poem Celestial Sunflower and it's HERE along with a professional and tranfixing picture of a total eclipse at the South Pole. You'll see why I called it that when you see the photo!

This photo shows just how dark it got outside -- a mini nox in our Equinox!  
And I had the TV on of course watching the event with StarGazing Live which has been superb with the wonderful Buzz Aldrin being very entertaining and suggesting that Dara OBriain is way too emotional to ever be a test pilot :) Yip that Buzz is a COOL dude!

So that was it. A celestial event in my own back yard. Wonderful!