Blog of Oonah V Joslin -- please visit my Parallel Oonahverse at WordPress

where I post stories and poems that have not been seen elsewhere - also recipes and various other stuff.

and see me At the Cumberland Arms 2011

Saturday, 21 March 2015

First Day of Spring and Love is in the air

Yesterday was pretty spectacular here in North East England. Just prior to totality, the eclipse sky was completely clouded.But a small window of thinner cloud allowed me to get the best view possible.
Couldn't have been better When the sun re-emerged it seemed spring-like and we decided to go to Cragside. Nelly's Moss Lakes is our favourite walk. It's on the flat ;) A gentleman who'd never been there before came up for a chat and told us to look out for the frogs in the weeds along the margins of the lakes. We didn't have to go far to see them. The water was full of bubbles from their chasing about and frog spawn too and the air was filled with what I can only describe as frogs' purring -- chirruping little sounds, calls and answers from all over the pond. And then we saw them. poking their pretty little heads out of the water and generally having a spring orgy!
And they were not the only ones! 
At this point we began to notice toads on the path.

Only some of them had - eherm - too many legs ;)
and soon there were so many you really had to watch where you were stepping!
because they are so well camouflaged and when the detect someone coming they remain stalk still. It's not the best survival mechanism in the world when there are serious walkers and CARS are involved. 

3 toads/ five toads/ toads just getting in the mood/ toads that had just finished/ stoned toads! But it is Spring and this is the perfect habitat for frogs and toads and after all it's educational :) Get out there this weekend and see what you can see.