Blog of Oonah V Joslin -- please visit my Parallel Oonahverse at WordPress

where I post stories and poems that have not been seen elsewhere - also recipes and various other stuff.

and see me At the Cumberland Arms 2011

Friday, 29 August 2014

Food for Thought for Friday -- Autumn is on its way

I have been reading pdf poetry proofs for the Autumn Issue of The Linnet's Wings and it's coming along nicely. I am so pleased with the poetry selection I have been able to put together. Thank you to Marie Fitzpatrick and Bill West for allowing me that and to all the poets who sent work too.That comes out in late September.

Next week prepare for my story BLIZZARD on BwS. Maybe you'd like to answer the Challenge Q about it -- interesting question, Don! I'll put links up on my blogs and FB/ Twitter etc...
I'll also be in the next issue of A New Ulster with a few poems. 

In the meantime my favourite garden at Belsay is making Autumn preparations of its own with
 Autumn Crocuses 
Gunneras drooping
and a distinct change to foliage

But Belsay is ALWAYS beautiful to me.

And Autumn is my favourite time of year. Only this year I am having a little trouble convincing myself of that. Perhaps it is because, at 60 I feel I am entering it myself and I am beginning to feel an affinity -- a little creaky and lacking in colour too. 

I have often noted how children love Winter ice and snow, the brisk cold and the thought of Santa Claus, whilst old folk want the Summer sunshine, the light nights. I feel I may be moving towards a preference for Spring. And maybe that is a natural progression -- to every age a season.