Blog of Oonah V Joslin -- please visit my Parallel Oonahverse at WordPress

where I post stories and poems that have not been seen elsewhere - also recipes and various other stuff.

and see me At the Cumberland Arms 2011

Friday, 8 March 2013

Food for Thought for Friday -- Toasties are where it's at

Classic Croque Monsieur

Two slices of white bread
One slice of cured or roast ham
Sliced or grated Gruyere cheese

My oven has a toastie setting but this can be done with bread that's been lightly toasted, then filled with ham and mustard, the cheese placed on the top slice and then the toastie reheated in the oven until the cheese bubbles.

For Croque Madame, add a fried or poached egg onto the top when serving.

Tropical Croque

Place a ring of pineapple onto the ham and sprinkle with cinnamon, then continue as before.