Blog of Oonah V Joslin -- please visit my Parallel Oonahverse at WordPress

where I post stories and poems that have not been seen elsewhere - also recipes and various other stuff.

and see me At the Cumberland Arms 2011

Thursday, 31 December 2020

A bunch of not quite Christmas Thoughts 2020 - 2021 -- New Year's Eve


The Ghost of an Idea

This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.”


Sovereignty” Boris’s beloved buzz-word, is never for the people. Sovereignty, by definition, makes people subject to their so-called betters.

In terms of Brexit, it was always about the ability of the rich to exploit workers without having European laws hold them back and crucially whilst squirrelling away money in off-shore tax havens, which Europe was going to make them declare.

With Brexit, deal or no deal, British people have lost all the recourse to European Law and the protections it offered us in terms of education, fairness in the workplace, the safety net of social services, equitable medical care, housing, pensions, insurance, travel and much more. For ordinary people this is a disaster.

Everywhere we see disparity. In every way our society is becoming more and more divided. The ruling class thrives on division. One only has to look at the privileged in Eton. Whilst other schools struggle for funding from local businesses, which are now often in difficulty themselves, Eton offers a head start and a clear run to those wealthy enough to pay for privilege. The under-qualified are promoted to the top whilst the intelligent poor are kept in their place by underfunding. The last thing privilege wants is an educated electorate.

But the dead and displaced of Grenfell Tower cry out for justice. The Windrush generation cry out for justice. The elderly and disabled have had benefits stripped away. Many have died because of it. You may applaud Key Workers but still Nurses pay does not reflect the value this lying government said it put of their work. We have lengthening food bank queues. Unicef is having to feed British children whilst politicians eat and drink on expenses and at discount. All about us we see the contempt with which the Tories hold the working people of Britain.

The North South divide is widening and united kingdom seems now a loose term of ridicule. Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland – everyone has been abused by Westminster and even in other parts of England there is discontent. Now young people will no longer be able to afford to spend time abroad expanding their horizons – well unless they have a rich daddy. The Brexit lie duped half the people into voting against their own interests. Buzz-words like ‘Sovereignty’ and ‘Empire’ sound fine indeed but they have at their dark heart the spectres of power and avarice. Fine words are the weapons of subjugation.

Everything that divides us in these times of pandemic and global upheaval, when co-operation is more vital than ever for the good of the humanity, is utterly reprehensible and at this very time in history we have the most divisive government imaginable in charge.

Brexit will surely bring ignorance and want. Now the upper classes really do have the upper hand once more and all I can say is

God help us every one!