Blog of Oonah V Joslin -- please visit my Parallel Oonahverse at WordPress

where I post stories and poems that have not been seen elsewhere - also recipes and various other stuff.

and see me At the Cumberland Arms 2011

Monday, 28 June 2010


Illustration by Jerry Wright of Bewildering Press

First 3 chapters at Bewildering Stories

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Announcing: A Genie in a Jam

I will be making links to this series of 17 chapters in Parallel Oonahverse's Vaults
so make sure you don't miss any
they'll be coming out weekly

and with a wonderful piece of artwork specially created by Jerry Wright!

Monday, 21 June 2010

Gone and done it again

Yes I'm in BwS Quarterly Review once more - this time 3 poems and a few articles in the challenges section.  And it's Midsummer's Day - what better way to celebrate?

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

New story at Static Movement

The Catalyst is up now - a sweet tale of romance - I must be coming down with something nasty ;)

Twin Pansies Aw!

Saturday, 12 June 2010

a rose by any other name would smell just as much...

It's a line from a cartoon, I forget which, maybe my sister would know. Was it Musky the muskrat? Anyway, Montagues and Capulets aside,

here is my unique perspective on what's in a name at Left Hand Waving - my first time there :)

With a name like that you should be a writer...

Monday, 7 June 2010

Spring Song

Don Webb called this rondeau one of the best nature poems they'd published at BwS and my, they have some good poets there so I was well chuffed. But I do like this little poem and I hope you will too:

Here's a bonus haiku:

a bee on the snap-dragon

buzzed off before I snapped

camera shy

Saturday, 5 June 2010

One of my weirdest stories

The Carmody Complex is up at Microhorror

Keep taking the medication!

My big box garden

Last year I had big boxes built from railway sleepers erected in my garden and the neighbours wondered what they were for. This year they are fulfilling their purpose and hopefully by next year these plants will have climbed to the top.