Blog of Oonah V Joslin -- please visit my Parallel Oonahverse at WordPress

where I post stories and poems that have not been seen elsewhere - also recipes and various other stuff.

and see me At the Cumberland Arms 2011

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Three Pounds of Cells -- Availble on Amazon

I am happy to announce that Three Pounds of Cells is Poetry Kit's Book of the Month. And to celebrate I'll probably open a bottle of wine. Forgive me if I uncharacteristically go WHOOPEE! (just this once)…/poetry-kit-book-of-the-month-f…

Three Pounds of Cells is the weight of a human brain -- but not its capacity. Oh no! That's a whole different bag of cats...
Buy via this LINK
and I would appreciate some reviews on Amazon too. Please spread the word.

Thanks Marie Fitzpatrick, Kathleen Mickelson, John Stocks and Don Webb, Dave Morehouse, Pippa Little, Geraldine Green, James Graham, 
Noel, my sister Esme and everyone who believed in me.  I hope you enjoy the poetry.

Sunday, 2 October 2016

The Sunday Pipe 3 -- x 3 Meerschaums

This trio of handsome Meerschaums are just lovely to look at. The two 'tea' coloured ones are not 'aged' as such though they are between 15 and 20 years old. They are Manz Meerschaums. The clay from which they are made is still block meerscahum but it comes fro Africa and is that colour naturally. You can just see on the stem of the pipe on the left, a little mark -- that is the maker's mark and it's actually Isle of Man legs -- hence Manx Meerscahum. The stems are standard vulcanite and the bands are stainless steel (we think). You can see that the one on the left has a bigger and rounder bowl than that on the right. Both of these pipes were purchased in the Tobacconist's at the corner of Pink Lane. Sadly that shop no longer exists. Like so many other tobacconists it has fallen foul of a healthier lifestyle but

To me the pipe is an ancient art, 
entirely unlike the quick fix addictive brain-rush of the cigarette. 
It's more a hobby than a smoke! 
It's a leisurely 
of peace 
a drift 
of cloud, 
 a pipedream, 
 an aromatic room-note 
prairie prayers 
a mini hearth 
winter warmth 

By comparison the middle pipe is white as white, with it could be said a cadger's bowl. It has a faux amber stem made of resin. Durham Market has a rather fine tobacconist still and this came from there about 5 years ago. It has no maker's mark but it is pure turkish block meerscahum and apparently a very nice smoke. Wisps upward like a ghost of winter!