Blog of Oonah V Joslin -- please visit my Parallel Oonahverse at WordPress

where I post stories and poems that have not been seen elsewhere - also recipes and various other stuff.

and see me At the Cumberland Arms 2011

Friday, 21 July 2017

Dublin July 2017

 It was a meeting of poets and scientists thanks to a genetics conference at UCD last weekend. Marie Fitzpatrick, Editor of The Linnet's Wings, Kathleen Mickelson, former Editor of Every Day Poets now Editor of Gyroscope Review and I took the advantage of proximity to meet up. We'd never all met before nad it didn't take too much time 'til we were old friends.
 Kent Reed (Minneapolis) with his wife Peggy was there for the conference but was also one of our poets at Every Day Poets way back. I'd met Peggy before. It was lovely to meet Kent.
 Mandy and Rob were attending the conference but it was a good chat we had in the Bridge pub.
 Noel and Kathleen on the Ha'penny Bridge
 Kath -- happy to be there
 Kath, Noel and her husband Jim, a research professor, who was attending the conference too, at old Dublin walls.
The Liffey
No Vikings were injured during this invasion :)
Nobody got lost!

All in all a very good weekend was had by all.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Magic in May -- Disappearances can be deceptive

 Now you see her
Now you don't

 So, time always seems to fly when Esme comes for her annual holiday!  And we always seem to do so much in the short time she's here I end up quite exhausted -- even though it has to be said that year on year we do less and less but that is inevitable! This year Alnwick Gardens was kind to us -- no thunder storms. And the cherry orchard, although the blossom was past, had the addition of some nice swing seats. I was the only member of our party to indulge (big bairn) but they are great fun.
Now you see me --

Now you don't       The fountains as always played photographic-hard-to-get Now you see them and of course then you don't But you still get the picture and you get to play hide and seek amongst the fountains just like a small child or a figurine on a giant's wedding cake and sometimes the disappearances are so strange they're a bit worrying! But we all managed to keep our heads and left in one piece. Thanks to the magic of Alnwick and    where'd that there wizard go?? Ah! There he is -- under the oldest tree in the gardens
                                        They've been friends for years!

Saturday, 25 March 2017

To me nothing is more beautiful than the British countryside in Spring

Belsay House and Gardens is well known to be one of my favourite spots but you see it's different every time we go there and each new week seasonal treasures emerge -- so why not keep going back? This walk sustains me even when I am not there. I take a walk sometimes in my imagination and when the world seems a dark place, I think of all that's bright and good in this garden. Everyone needs such a place. What's yours? Today there were frogs (or toads) (hard to tell when they are in the water)
cavorting around. And bog lilies which look just like plastic or wax and have a most unpleasant scent. and then through the quarry arch that used to carry stone for building, a blaze of colour as summery as the weather was today. Down by the castle, daffodils, Beyond, the English countryside. Northumberland is not the greenest part of England -- or these isles. Ireland is of course the greenest place on Earth ('cos it rains so much.) But I don't mind a bit of rain in exchange for such as this. I was saying to Noel as we stood by this gate that I would not like to live anywhere less green.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Spring 2017

Photos from Wallington 
on St David's Day