Blog of Oonah V Joslin -- please visit my Parallel Oonahverse at WordPress

where I post stories and poems that have not been seen elsewhere - also recipes and various other stuff.

and see me At the Cumberland Arms 2011

Thursday, 1 October 2009

October Links

Just got my copy of Toe Tags :) You really, really want to read these 21 stories, you know you do :) The Tourist Trap First up The Professional Job at 10FLASH written for the challenge and a right pickle! A Lack of Breeding is at Static Movement this month and I'm sure you knew a Selena once... Smolensk - The First Time Micro Horror has a competition running once again and so I just had to send something. The theme is The Past
Comallye - A longer than usual story from me. You know how they say you should write about what you know, you know? Well this one is a stew of unadulterated Ulsterisms. Watch the inhabitants of Glenslade walk the line of political correctness :)
Definitions Both Feet in the Past

Definitions could be defined as a 'found poem'. I found it because of my husband's studies and the story of W.C. Minor's life was so ironic I just had to write about this remarkable and troubled man. It is about the curse of mental illness which affects the lives of not only those who suffer from it - whatever 'it' is. The definitions keep changing to suit the times. We no longer call people mad, cretinous, lunatic, criminally insane... In Minor's day Schitzophrenic was a term that hadn't yet been coined. It was undoubtedly the label they would have used in the C20th. Here, in the C21st, the label might be different. We are still awaiting the breakthrough that will lead to a cure.

The Bonaparte Tree


The Vast Horror of it

Holding On

The Old, Old Story at Micro Horror


  1. I love this story, Oonah! No matter how many times I read it, I giggle.

  2. Thank you K C. It's a real farce :)

  3. Enjoyed the story, Oonah. This feels like a snippet of a much longer story. I'd love to read more about them!
