Blog of Oonah V Joslin -- please visit my Parallel Oonahverse at WordPress

where I post stories and poems that have not been seen elsewhere - also recipes and various other stuff.

and see me At the Cumberland Arms 2011

Friday, 2 January 2015

New Year? -- Oh Dear!

Down with the decorations. Our tree is having one last night before it goes for its long sleep and the place looks fairly bare. And New Year? Well despite all this great advice -- very entertaining book Kathleen :) XX


I didn't have a drink! 

I was sound asleep in bed as Big Ben belted out its annual message to just another day. Meanwhile people were being crushed to death over a money scramble, dying of bad drugs, fighting for their lives in hospitals, being born, working all nighters, mourning loved ones, making love, crying out for help, partying and lunching upside down in Australia...

...okay that's getting silly but you know what I mean.

The morning news was a cold awakening. The sad thing is that when we are all supposed to be making merry that's the very time it can't be done which inevitably leads to 
that empty feeling.
Feelings of inadequacy, failure to be in the swim, failure to find that HIGH of Happitude that all the world expects. 
What pressure! What seasonal cruelty we put on ourselves and others to endure!

Sound asleep in bed, albeit not feeling too well, was a very good place to be.

Today confirmed that emptiness when we went to our local little town for a walk and found that a lot of the shops were in the process of restocking after Christmas -- or selling off tat. They had an empty look -- blank windows where the decorations used to be, depleted shelves, staff with that post holiday palor. 
A squall of cold January sleet soon drove us back home and I couldn't help thinking how miserable it must be, after the warmth of Christmas, not to have a home to go to, a cup of tea, a hot meal and how it is that the Christmas spirit drains so quickly down the gutters of a new year...

Let your New Year Resolution be

just a Little KINDNESS every day.

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